Saturday, June 1, 2013

What are you reading?

Rabbit! Rabbit!  It is June first!
The high school kids should have graduated on the athletic field today but rainy weather early this morning changed the locale to the auditorium. I enjoy watching the ceremony from my porch even when I don't know any of the graduates. I reminisce about my sons and my own graduation which was 43 years ago. Dang, I have a good memory!
I was about to talk about habits though, not graduations. Somewhere along the line, I traded a good habit for a not-so-good one. I always used to read in bed before sleep overcame the story or until I 'one more chaptered' myself into the wee hours and forced myself to close the book or turn off the Kindle.

I think it was last fall/early winter when I was sick with the first round of cold whose cough threatened to keep awake forever that my habit changed. My concentration wasn't at its peak and I discovered The Big Bang Theory in reruns on late night TV. The second bout of crud apparently sealed the deal and now I fall asleep to what I refer to as comfort TV, meaning something that is at best amusing (Everybody Loves Raymond, The Golden Girls, etc) or at least not going to scare me awake (the Food Network shows) like murder mystery shows and movies.

I'm not embarrassed by my habit. At my age, I forgive myself most things. But I miss reading books. Where I used to read during quiet spells throughout the day, I find myself reading blogs and forums online, or a few magazines that I still buy. There are plenty of authors that I enjoy and between the library, bookstores and Kindle downloads, there is no reason for me not to get back into a reading groove. Didn't I just mention Stella and her groove in my last post? I read that book many years ago.

So what are you reading these days? Do you read the same type of books most of the time or does your taste vary? Do best seller lists influence you?

I know there are Jonathan Kellerman and Dean Koontz novels waiting for me in my Kindle. Grab a drink and come join me in a comfy chair.

1 comment:

michelle said...

I need to get back into it too. I was reading three or more books a week when it was cooler, but need to start up again. I got so many books on my kindle for PC that I've downloaded that are calling my name.